Discover the Power of Customer Relationship Management by Francis Buttle and Stan Maklan

 Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies Third Edition by Francis Buttle and Stan Maklan

The third edition of “Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies” by Francis Buttle and Stan Maklan is a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing CRM in modern organizations.

The third edition of "Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies" by Francis Buttle and Stan Maklan is a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing CRM in modern organizations.


 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a critical aspect of business management, with a focus on managing interactions with customers and clients. The third edition of “Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies” by Francis Buttle and Stan Maklan provides an in-depth analysis of CRM and its implementation in modern organizations.


In-depth analysis of CRM concepts and technologies 

Coverage of the latest trends and developments in the field 

Case studies and real-world examples to illustrate key concepts

 Detailed discussion of customer segmentation and data analytics 

Discussion of ethical and legal considerations in CRM


The third edition of “Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies” is an essential resource for anyone looking to understand and implement CRM in modern organizations. With its comprehensive coverage of CRM concepts, technologies, and trends, it provides a valuable resource for students, business professionals, and anyone interested in learning about CRM. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out, this book is sure to provide valuable insights and practical information that you can apply in your work.

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