Getting Over It by Bennett Foddy (Free Download) (v1.6)
Getting Over It
by Bennett Foddy
Bennett Foddy’s Getting Over It is a game about climbing a mountain without any instructions. We do not tell you what to do or what the game is about, but with patience and practice, you’ll find that this experience will be worth your time.
Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy is a PC game that comes pre-installed and can be downloaded with a single click. On December 6, 2017, Bennett Foddy’s Getting Over It was released.
The Game’s Backstory
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a difficult climbing game inspired by Jazzuo’s 2002 B-Game hit ‘Sexy Hiking.’ The mouse is used to move the hammer, and that’s all there is to it. You’ll be able to jump, swing, climb, and fly with practise. Experienced hikers who reach the mountain’s summit will find great secrets and a spectacular gift. “The hiking action is fairly similar to how you would do it in real life, rem,” Jazzuo says.
Features of the game
Climb a massive mountain with only a hammer and a pot.
Pay attention while I offer philosophical reflections regarding the issue at hand.
Depending on the difficulty level, playtime might last between 2 and 4 hours. The median time for my playtesters to finish was 5 hours, although the mean was closer to.
- Over and over, you will lose all of your progress.
- Feel new forms of frustration you didn’t realise you could feel.
- Hikers who reach the summit will be rewarded magically.