Amazing Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro Phone Mockup Template Download Free
Hi hope you all are doing well .Today In this post you can get FREE BILL BOARD mockup template for free as you can see in this image and you can use it in your own project to impress your client and make your work more attractive .This template is very easy to customize and also I add some instruction you can it out .
You may display your ui, gameplay, UIUX design, Instagram story, narrative, and templates with this Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro Phone Mockup! Using the Adobe smart object, you can easily insert your design with a single click. It’s actually that easy!
The mockup is completely layered and editable, so you may make alterations you want. Every component consists of a single layer. You may modify or delete the background, any colour (background, phone section…), adjust or remove lights and reflections, and make absolutely any adjustments!
There are some important feature of this amazing Xiomi Mi10 Pro Templates are given below
- Simple and simple to edit
- Using Photoshop smart objects, you can place your image with a single tap.
- Every piece is a single layer and is completely layered and customisable.
- There are several customization possibilities.
- Replace/remove the background
- Modify any of the colours (background, any phone part…)
- Shadows and reflections should be adjusted or removed.
- Customize anything you want.
- A readme document is supplied.
- Easy to edit
Applications supported: Adobe Photoshop
File types: PSD
Color space: RGB
Orientation: Portrait
Dimensions: 3790(w) × 2582(h) px